GSoC at Systers (Part 1 of 3)

Yeah! Google Summer of Code (GSoC) results were out on the 23rd or April 2018 and right away I became a GSoC participant! This article is about my experience as initially a GSoC aspirant and my infant entry into the Systers Open Source community. This series (part 1 to 3), shall span the first phase of the GSoC program known as Community Bonding which started on the 23rd of April, in which I shall cover what GSoC is, who/what Systers is, the application process (at Systers), first time experience and the open source community at Systers.
So what is GSoC?
If you are reading this article theres a high chance you already know what GSoC is otherwise a here is a brief debut. Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an online, international program designed to encourage university student participation in open source software development.
For more information about Google Summer of Code here are some pointers to help you get started;
- Google Summer of Code website
- GSoC Wiki
- More information can be gotten also on GSoC’s social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more…
Who (and or what) is Systers
Systers is an international Anita community encouraging the participation of all women involved in technology, committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, work experience, or religion.
A lot of people know Systers as an international electronic mailing list for technical women in computing but Systers has really grown and become much more than that.
So what is a guy doing in a community meant for women?
This is a very big confusion everyone has whenever I tell them about Systers. Even before I joined, I was like: “Is this not for women?.” Yes the Systers community is for women but the Systers Open Source Community is for everyone! There is a difference, those in the Systers Open Source Community which is primarily dominated by women, are responsible for developing all the FOSS that is eventaully used in by the Systers again. Hope you get that lol!
Why Systers?
Firstly, I am a lover (and serious consumer) of FOSS and I will gladly work/volunteer for any FOSS community if I can but the amazing thing about choosing Systers is that they are such a wonderful community! The community is packed with diverse people with diverse skills and excellent proficiencies. That's such a great addition to anyones network! Finally I love helping women as I noticed is something I can do when I was first invited to speak in a local Google Women Tech Makers event.
Ok! enough of part one already. In part 2 I will talk about the application process the project selected and my two mentors.
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